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Design to HTML
Design to HTML

Design to HTML

Delivery Time1 Weeks


Fixed Price $50

The package to offer

  1. Convert from XD, Figma, PSD, Sketch to HTML
  2. Pixel Perfect Design
  3. Fully Responsive
  4. Cross Browser compatible
  5. W3C Validated
  6. SEO friendly
  7. Pages up to 5 pages
  8. Content Upload up to 5 pages

Package Tools

  1. HTML5 & CSS3
  2. JavaScript
  3. Google Fonts
  4. Bootstrap / Flexbox (Based on client reequipment)

How this package work

  1. Need design source file (FIGMA/PSD/SKETCH/XD)
  2. Start HTML Conversion process
  3. Responsive testing
  4. Delivery of the first Draft (in my server)
  5. Make any change or fixes based on revisions (if any)
  6. Final Delivery with all the source codes
Design to HTML - Fatusu